Sara Vincentzen Kondrup

Sara Vincentzen Kondrup


Sara Vincentzen Kondrup works part-time as a PhD student and part-time as an academic employee. Her PhD project is about vegetarianism and meat reduction. 

Primære forskningsområder

Food sociology and animal ethics.

Aktuel forskning

Using a prospective qualitative study design, Sara's PhD project explores the food practices of a group of people embarking on flexitarian, vegetarian, and vegan diets in Denmark. The overall objective is to understand how plant diets are sustained and why they change over time. 

Mulige interessekonflikter

The PhD project is financed solely by funds from the Department of Food and Resource Economics. 

Udvalgte publikationer

  1. Udgivet

    Various ways towards animal product limiting: Practical and social engagements in initial phase of dietary change

    Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen, Holm, Lotte, Sandøe, Peter & Lund, Thomas Bøker, 2023, I: Appetite. 186, 12 s., 106571.

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  2. Udgivet

    A multidimensional measure of animal ethics orientation: Developed and applied to a representative sample of the Danish public

    Lund, Thomas Bøker, Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen & Sandøe, Peter, 2019, I: PLOS ONE. 14, 2, 24 s., e0211656.

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  3. Udgivet

    Can friends be copied? Ethical aspects of cloning dogs as companion animals

    Heðinsdóttir, K., Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen, Röcklinsberg, H. & Gjerris, Mickey, 4 feb. 2018, I: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 31, 1, s. 17-29 13 s.

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  4. Udgivet
  5. Udgivet

    Jagt: natur, mennesker, dyr og drab

    Gjerris, Mickey, Borkfelt, S., Gamborg, Christian, Harfeld, J. L. & Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen, 2016, Klim. 180 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskningfagfællebedømt

  6. Udgivet

    Veterinarian's dilemma: a study of how Danish small animal practitioners handle financially limited clients

    Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen, Anhøj, K. P., Rødsgaard-Rosenbeck, C., Lund, Thomas Bøker, Nissen, Merete Holst & Sandøe, Peter, 2016, I: Veterinary Record. 179, 9 s., 596.

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  7. Udgivet

    Closer to nature? a critical discussion of the marketing of “ethical” animal products

    Borkfelt, S., Kondrup, Sara Vincentzen, Röcklinsberg, H., Bjørkdahl, K. & Gjerris, Mickey, 2015, I: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 28, 6, s. 1053-1073 21 s.

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ID: 19604732