Volkert Dirk Siersma

Volkert Dirk Siersma

Statistiker, Ekstern lektor

Kommentarer til publikationsliste

  1. 2024
  2. Udgivet

    Relationship between cumulative exposure to occupational lifting throughout working life and risk of ischemic heart disease in men and women. The Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank

    Korshøj, M., Møller, Anne, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Lund, Rikke, Hougaard, Charlotte Ørsted, Mortensen, Ole Steen & Allesøe, K., 2024, I: Annals of Work Exposures and Health. 68, 2, s. 109–121 13 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Sociodemographic characterisation of antibiotic heavy users in the Danish elderly population

    Jensen, M. L. V., Aabenhus, Rune Munck, Holzknecht, Barbara Juliane, Bjerrum, Lars, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Cordoba Currea, Gloria Cristina & Jensen, J. N., 2024, I: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 52, 1, s. 51-58 8 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    The development of type 2 diabetes management in people with severe mental illness in the Capital Region of Denmark from 2001 to 2015

    Bakkedal, Catrine, Persson, F., Christensen, Mikkel Bring, Kriegbaum, M., Mohr, G. H., Andersen, John Sahl, Lind, B. S., Lykkegaard, C., Siersma, Volkert Dirk & Rozing, Maarten Pieter, 2024, I: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 149, 3, s. 219-233 15 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    The feasibility of C-reactive protein point-of-care testing to reduce overuse of antibiotics in children with acute respiratory tract infections in rural Kyrgyzstan: A Pilot Study

    Isaeva, E., Akylbekov, A., Bloch, J., Poulsen, A., Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Sooronbaev, T., Aabenhus, Rune Munck & Kjærgaard, J., 2024, I: Pediatric health, medicine and therapeutics. 15, s. 67-76 10 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    To allow or avoid pain during shoulder rehabilitation exercises for patients with chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy-Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (the PASE trial)

    Kjær, B. H., Cools, A. M., Johannsen, F. E., Trøstrup, J., Bieler, T., Siersma, Volkert Dirk & Magnusson, Stig Peter, 2024, I: Trials. 25, 1, 19 s., 135.

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  7. Udgivet

    Validation of the psychosocial consequences of screening in lung cancer questionnaire in the international lung screen trial Australian cohort

    Bonney, A., Brodersen, John Brandt, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, See, K., Marshall, H. M., Steinfort, D., Irving, L., Lin, L., Li, J., Pang, S., Fogarty, P., Brims, F., McWilliams, A., Stone, E., Lam, S., Fong, K. M. & Manser, R., 2024, I: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 22, 1, 13 s., 10.

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  8. 2023
  9. Udgivet

    A cross-sectional study of the association between family conflicts and children's health: Lolland-Falster Health Study

    Søndergaard, Elisabeth, Reventlow, Susanne, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Nicolaisdottir, Dagny Ros, Jepsen, R., Rasmussen, K. & Møller, Anne, 2023, I: Child: Care, Health and Development. 49, 6, s. 972-984 13 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of the Danish VISA-P

    Agergaard, Anne-Sofie, Comins, J. D., Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Malmgaard-Clausen, N. M., Couppé, Christian, Hjortshoej, M. H., Olesen, J. L. & Magnusson, Stig Peter, 2023, I: Translational Sports Medicine. 2023, 8 s., 5291949.

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  11. Udgivet

    C reactive protein-guided prescription of antibiotics for children under 12 years with respiratory symptoms in Kyrgyzstan: protocol for a randomised controlled clinical trial with 14 days follow-up

    Isaeva, E., Bloch, J., Poulsen, A., Kurtzhals, Jørgen, Reventlow, Susanne, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Akylbekov, A., Sooronbaev, T., Aabenhus, Rune Munck & Kjærgaard, J., 2023, I: BMJ Open. 13, 4, 6 s., e066806.

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  12. Udgivet

    Colon cancer diagnosed in patients with non-specific symptoms - comparisons between diagnostic paradigms

    Damhus, Christina Sadolin, Siersma, Volkert Dirk, Birkmose, Anna Rubach, Stovring, H., Dalton, Susanne Oksbjerg & Brodersen, John Brandt, 2023, I: Acta Oncologica. 62, 3, s. 272-280 9 s.

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