Knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and polydrug use among ecstasy users - A London study

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Objective: This study aimed at providing an examination of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of Ecstasy users in order to contribute to the development of future Ecstasy prevention and information initiatives. Method and setting: In 1998, 59 young Ecstasy users in the London University environment provided data for the study through filling out a confidential questionnaire on their knowledge about, attitudes towards and behaviour in relation to Ecstasy. Key findings: There was a high knowledge level on Ecstasy in the sample, still more than 90% of the sample indicated an interest in knowing more about the drug. Ecstasy related knowledge is significantly related to the level of experience among the users. Almost 80% of the sample considered Ecstasy a harmful drug; still they kept using the drug. The extent of polydrug use concurrent to Ecstasy was extensive. Only 2 out of 59 Ecstasy users confined themselves to using Ecstasy. The users mix Ecstasy with other substances to convey new effects to the drug. Conclusion: Based on the above results, the article concludes with recommendations for the future development of educational and informational initiatives.

TidsskriftJournal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)51-58
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2001

ID: 327783784