Inverse Kinematics using Quaternions: Graduate project, 7.5 ECTS, Supervisor: Kenny Erleben

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  • Morten

    Forlagets udgivne version, 404 KB, PDF-dokument

In this project I describe the status of inverse kinematics research,
with the focus firmly on the methods that solve the core problem. An
overview of the different methods are presented
Three common methods used in inverse kinematics computation have
been chosen as subject for closer inspection. The three methods are
described in some detail. An analysis is performed where the three
methods are compared, and benchmarked against each other.
I conclude which of the methods are the most promising and what their
respective forces, weaknesses and prospects are. All figures shown are
made using the test suite, developed in this project and in [4].
Source code developed for this project includes the CCD method ,
improvements on the BFGS method and Jacobian inverse originally
developed in [4].
UdgivelsesstedDepartment of Computer Science
ForlagMuseum Tusculanum
Antal sider22
StatusUdgivet - 2008

Bibliografisk note

Technical Report no. 08/14

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