Anne Amalie Elgaard Thorup

Anne Amalie Elgaard Thorup

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Børne- og ungdomspsykiatri

  1. 2018
  2. Udgivet

    Tidlig intervention ved psykose

    Nordentoft, Merete, Melau, M., Albert, N., Jeppesen, Pia & Thorup, Anne, 2018, I: Ugeskrift for Læger. 180, 6 s., V08170597.

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  3. 2017
  4. Udgivet

    Risk of psychiatric disorders in offspring of parents with a history of homelessness during childhood and adolescence in Denmark: a nationwide, register-based, cohort study

    Nilsson, S. F., Laursen, T. M., Hjorthøj, C., Thorup, Anne & Nordentoft, Merete, 1 dec. 2017, I: The Lancet Public Health. 2, 12, s. e541-e550 10 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Stability and development of psychotic symptoms and the use of antipsychotic medication - long-term follow-up

    Gotfredsen, D. R., Wils, Regitze Sølling, Hjorthøj, C., Austin, Stephen Fitzgerald, Albert, N., Secher, R. G., Thorup, Anne, Mors, O. & Nordentoft, Merete, sep. 2017, I: Psychological Medicine. 47, 12, s. 2118-2129 12 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Impairments of motor function among children with a familial risk of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder at 7 years old in Denmark: an observational cohort study

    Burton, B. K., Thorup, Anne, Jepsen, J. R., Poulsen, G., Ellersgaard, D., Spang, K. S., Christiani, C. J., Hemager, N., Gantriis, D., Greve, A., Mors, O., Nordentoft, Merete & Plessen, K. J., maj 2017, I: The Lancet Psychiatry. 4, 5, s. 400-408 9 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Antipsychotic medication and remission of psychotic symptoms 10 years after a first-episode psychosis

    Wils, Regitze Sølling, Gotfredsen, D. R., Hjorthøj, C., Austin, Stephen Fitzgerald, Albert, N., Secher, R. G., Thorup, Anne, Mors, O. & Nordentoft, Merete, 2017, I: Schizophrenia Research. 182, s. 42-48

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  8. 2016
  9. Udgivet

    Motor Impairments among Children with a Familial Risk of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder at the age of 7 years: The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study - VIA 7

    Burton, B. K., Jepsen, J. R., Thorup, Anne, Ellersgaard, D., Christiani, C. J., Spang, K. S., Hemager, N., Greve, A. N., Poulsen, G., Mors, O., Nordentoft, Merete & Plessen, K. J., okt. 2016, I: Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 10, s. 102-102 1 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    The incidence of schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders in Denmark in the period 2000-2012: A register-based study

    Kuhl, J. O. G., Laursen, T. M., Thorup, Anne & Nordentoft, Merete, okt. 2016, I: Schizophrenia Research. 176, 2-3, s. 533-539

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  11. Udgivet

    Research Review: Do motor deficits during development represent an endophenotype for schizophrenia? A meta-analysis

    Burton, B. K., Hjorthøj, Carsten, Jepsen, J. R. M., Thorup, Anne, Nordentoft, Merete & Plessen, K. J., apr. 2016, I: Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry. 57, 4, s. 446-56 11 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Children of Parents With Serious Mental Illness: With Whom Do They Grow Up? A Prospective, Population-Based Study

    Ranning, Anne, Munk Laursen, T., Thorup, Anne, Hjorthøj, Carsten & Nordentoft, Merete, 2016, I: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 55, 11, s. 953-961 9 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    Familial High Risk Studies: Why Are They Still Relevant? The Danish High Risk and Resilience Study - Status, Results and Perspectives

    Thorup, Anne, Seidman, L. J. & Conus, P., 2016, I: Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 10, S1, s. 4 1 s.

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