Thomas Günther-Pomorski

Thomas Günther-Pomorski


  1. 2014
  2. Udgivet

    Serum albumin promotes ATP-binding cassette transporter-dependent sterol uptake in yeast

    Marek, M., Silvestro, D., Fredslund, M. D., Andersen, T. G. & Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, 2014, I: FEMS Yeast Research. 14, 8, s. 1223-1233 11 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Stealth carriers for low-resolution structure determination of membrane proteins in solution

    Maric, S., Skar-Gislinge, Nicholas, Midtgaard, S., Thygesen, Mikkel Boas, Schiller, J., Frielinghaus, H., Moulin, M., Haertlein, M., Forsyth, V. T., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther & Arleth, Lise, 2014, I: Acta Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography. 70, 2, s. 317-328 12 s.

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  4. 2013
  5. Udgivet

    Active plasma membrane P-type H+-ATPase reconstituted into nanodiscs is a monomer

    Justesen, B. H., Hansen, R. W., Martens, Helle Jakobe, Theorin, L., Palmgren, Michael, Martinez, Karen Laurence, Pomorski, Thomas Guenther & Fuglsang, Anja Thoe, 2013, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288, 37, s. 26419-26429 11 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and interaction of various Arabidopsis major intrinsic proteins expressed in yeast

    Murozuka, E., Hanisch, S., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, Jahn, T. P. & Schjoerring, Jan K., 2013, I: Physiologia Plantarum. 148, 3, s. 422-431 10 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Isolation of monodisperse nanodisc-reconstituted membrane proteins using free flow electrophoresis

    Justesen, B. H., Laursen, Tomas, Weber, G., Fuglsang, Anja Thoe, Møller, Birger Lindberg & Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, 2013, I: Analytical Chemistry. 85, 7, s. 3497-3500 4 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Organization of fluorescent cholesterol analogs in lipid bilayers — Lessons from cyclodextrin extraction

    Milles, S., Meyer, T., Scheidt, H. A., Schwarzer, R., Thomas, L., Marek, M., Szente, L., Bittman, R., Herrmann, A., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, Huster, D. & Müller, P., 2013, I: B B A - Biomembranes. 1828, 8, s. 1822-1828 7 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Synthesis and thermotropic phase behavior of four glycoglycerolipids

    Hogendorf, W. F. J., Jagalski, V., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, Bols, Mikael, Cardenas Gomez, M. & Pedersen, Christian Marcus, 2013, I: Molecules. 18, 11, s. 13546-13573 28 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    The dendrimer impact on vesicles can be tuned based on the lipid bilayer charge and the presence of albumin

    Ruggeri, F., Åkesson, A. K. L., Chapuis, P., Nielsen, Catherine S., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, Monopoli, M. P., Dawson, K. A., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther & Cardenas Gomez, M., 2013, I: Soft Matter. 9, 37, s. 8862-8870 9 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Transbilayer dynamics of phospholipids in the plasma membrane of the Leishmania genus

    Santos, M. G. D., Muxel, S. M., Zampieri, R. A., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther & Floeter-Winter, L. M., 2013, I: P L o S One. 8, 1, 7 s., e55604.

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  12. 2012
  13. Udgivet

    Biologiske pumper og transport i vesikler

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura, Frøsig, M. M., Poulsen, L. R. & Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, 20 dec. 2012

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ID: 9099036