Lene Heise Garvey

Lene Heise Garvey

Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Dermato-venerologi

  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Healthcare professionals' attitudes to penicillin allergy labels

    Raun, I. J., Tengberg, P. B., Møller, Tom & Garvey, Lene Heise, 2023, I: Danish Medical Journal. 70, 9, 9 s., A03230180.

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  3. Udgivet

    Identifying and Managing Those at Risk for Vaccine-Related Allergy and Anaphylaxis

    Stone, C. A., Garvey, Lene Heise, Nasser, S., Lever, C., Triggiani, M., Parente, R. & Phillips, E. J., 2023, I: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 11, 7, s. 2008-2022 15 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Inconsistencies in penicillin allergy labels in hospital and primary care after allergy investigation

    Fransson, S., Boel, J. B., Holm, Anne, Kahlhofen, N., Hjortlund, J., Mosbech, H. F., Poulsen, Lars K., Reventlow, Susanne & Garvey, Lene Heise, 2023, I: Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 53, 9, s. 969-973 5 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Perioperative Hypersensitivity Evaluation and Management: A Practical Approach

    Volcheck, G. W., Melchiors, B. B., Farooque, S., Gonzalez-Estrada, A., Mertes, P. M., Savic, L., Tacquard, C. & Garvey, Lene Heise, 2023, I: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 11, 2, s. 382-392 11 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Specific IgE to penicillin minor determinants in patients with suspected penicillin allergy

    Lendal, V., Fransson, S., Mosbech, H., Boel, J. B., Kahlhofen, N., Blom, Lars Heede, Poulsen, Lars K. & Garvey, Lene Heise, 2023, I: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 53, 8, s. 887-890

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  7. Udgivet

    Topical eye medications causing allergic contact dermatitis

    Ahlström, M. G., Skov, Lone, Heegaard, Steffen, Zachariae, Claus, Garvey, Lene Heise & Johansen, Jeanne Duus, 2023, I: Contact Dermatitis. 88, 4, s. 294-299

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  8. Udgivet

    Treatment of perioperative anaphylaxis: room for improvement?

    Savic, L., Volcheck, G. W. & Garvey, Lene Heise, 2023, I: British Journal of Anaesthesia. 131, 1, s. 17-19 3 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Updated guidance regarding the risk of allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines and recommended evaluation and management: A GRADE assessment and international consensus approach

    Greenhawt, M., Dribin, T. E., Abrams, E. M., Shaker, M., Chu, D. K., Golden, D. B. K., Akin, C., Anagnostou, A., ALMuhizi, F., Alqurashi, W., Arkwright, P., Baldwin, J. L., Banerji, A., Bégin, P., Ben-Shoshan, M., Bernstein, J., Bingemann, T. A., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Blumenthal, K., Byrne, A. & 74 flere, Cahill, J., Cameron, S., Campbell, D., Campbell, R., Cavender, M., Chan, E. S., Chinthrajah, S., Comberiati, P., Eastman, J. J., Ellis, A. K., Fleischer, D. M., Fox, A., Frischmeyer-Guerrerio, P. A., Gagnon, R., Garvey, Lene Heise, Grayson, M. H., Isabwe, G. A. C., Hartog, N., Hendron, D., Horner, C. C., Hourihane, J. O. B., Iglesia, E., Kan, M., Kaplan, B., Katelaris, C. H., Kim, H., Kelso, J. M., Khan, D. A., Lang, D., Ledford, D., Levin, M., Lieberman, J. A., Loh, R., Mack, D. P., Mazer, B., Mody, K., Mosnaim, G., Munblit, D., Mustafa, S. S., Nanda, A., Nathan, R., Oppenheimer, J., Otani, I. M., Park, M., Pawankar, R., Perrett, K. P., Peter, J., Phillips, E. J., Picard, M., Pitlick, M., Ramsey, A., Rasmussen, T. H., Rathkopf, M. M., Reddy, H., Robertson, K., Rodriguez del Rio, P., Sample, S., Sheshadri, A., Sheik, J., Sindher, S. B., Spergel, J. M., Stone, C. A., Stukus, D., Tang, M. L. K., Tracy, J. M., Turner, P. J., Vander Leek, T. K., Wallace, D. V., Wang, J., Wasserman, S., Weldon, D., Wolfson, A. R., Worm, M. & Yacoub, M. R., 2023, I: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 152, 2, s. 309-325 17 s.

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  10. 2022
  11. Udgivet

    Standards for practical intravenous rapid drug desensitization & delabeling: A WAO committee statement

    Steering Committee Authors, S. C. A. & Review Panel Members, R. P. M., jun. 2022, I: World Allergy Organization Journal. 15, 6, 66 s., 100640.

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  12. Udgivet

    Allergies and COVID-19 vaccines: An ENDA/EAACI Position paper

    Barbaud, A., Garvey, L. H., Arcolaci, A., Brockow, K., Mori, F., Mayorga, C., Bonadonna, P., Atanaskovic-Markovic, M., Moral, L., Zanoni, G., Pagani, M., Soria, A., Jošt, M., Caubet, J-C., Carmo, A., Mona, A. A., Alvarez-Perea, A., Bavbek, S., Benedetta, B., Bilo, M. B. & 62 flere, Blanca-López, N., Bogas, H. G., Buonomo, A., Calogiuri, G., Carli, G., Cernadas, J., Cortellini, G., Celik, G., Demir, S., Doña, I., Dursun, A. B., Eberlein, B., Faria, E., Fernandes, B., Garcez, T., Garcia-Nunez, I., Gawlik, R., Gelincik, A., Gomes, E., Gooi, J. H. C., Grosber, M., Gülen, T., Hacard, F., Hoarau, C., Janson, C., Johnston, S. L., Joerg, L., Kepil Özdemir, S., Klimek, L., Košnik, M., Kowalski, M. L., Kuyucu, S., Kvedariene, V., Laguna, J. J., Lombardo, C., Marinho, S., Merk, H., Meucci, E., Morisset, M., Munoz-Cano, R., Murzilli, F., Nakonechna, A., Popescu, F. D., Porebski, G., Radice, A., Regateiro, F. S., Röckmann, H., Romano, A., Sargur, R., Sastre, J., Hofmeier, K. S., Sedláčková, L., Sobotkova, M., Terreehorst, I., Treudler, R., Walusiak-Skorupa, J., Wedi, B., Wöhrl, S., Zidarn, M., Zuberbier, T., Agache, I. & Torres, M. J., 2022, I: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 77, 8, s. 2292-2312

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