The -14010*C variant associated with lactase persistence is located between an Oct-1 and HNF1a binding site and increases lactase promoter activity

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Tine G K Jensen
  • Anke Liebert
  • Rikke Lewinsky
  • Dallas M Swallow
  • Olsen, Jørgen
  • Jesper T Troelsen
In most people worldwide intestinal lactase expression declines in childhood. In many others, particularly in Europeans, lactase expression persists into adult life. The lactase persistence phenotype is in Europe associated with the -13910*T single nucleotide variant located 13,910 bp upstream the lactase gene in an enhancer region that affects lactase promoter activity. This variant falls in an Oct-1 binding site and shows greater Oct-1 binding than the ancestral variant and increases enhancer activity. Several other variants have been identified very close to the -13910 position, which are associated with lactase persistence in the Middle East and Africa. One of them, the -14010*C, is associated with lactase persistence in Africa. Here we show by deletion analysis that the -14010 position is located in a 144 bp region that reduces the enhancer activity. In transfections the -14010*C allele shows a stronger enhancer effect than the ancestral -14010*G allele. Binding sites for Oct-1 and HNF1a surrounding the -14010 position were identified by gel shift assays, which indicated that -14010*C has greater binding affinity to Oct-1 than -14010*G.
Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Genetics
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)483-93
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2011

ID: 35083933