Vera Skvirskaja

Vera Skvirskaja

Associate Professor

Primary fields of research

postsocialism, cosmopolitanism, migration, cultural heritage, propaganda, gender, trade, urban markets, political culture, Ukraine, Russia, China, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Black Sea region, the Caucasus

Current research

1. Cultural heritage, Bukharan Jews, mobility and migration, cemetries, cultures of trade, practices of coexistence, diaspora, people's diplomacy, gender, social media. 

2. The Russian war (2022- ), patriotic commodities, propaganda, 'relocators', social media.

Sites: Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia, the USA, Austria, Israel 


Propaganda; Kultur- og Samfundsteori; Russian Culture and Society; Popular Geopolitics; Economic Anthropology; Sex and Gender, Kinship; Migration; Postsocialism; Qualitative Research Methods; Ethnographic Fieldwork; New Anthropological Theory; Danish Culture and Society; Urban Culture in Theory and Action; History, myth, and narrative in a cultural and theoretical perspective  

ID: 21505161