Hanne Marie Motzfeldt

Hanne Marie Motzfeldt


  • Faculty of Law Research Centres

    Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6A Bygning 6A (Afsnit 3), Building: 6A-3-38

    Phone: +4542800611Mobile: +4542800611

Member of:


    Hanne Marie is a professor in Administrative Law and Digitalisation. Her research is strongly funded in administrative law and EU-law as she in later years have focused on public authorities’ use of new technologies in relation to administrative law, data protection, information security and protection of vulnerable groups of citizens’ digital rights (such as language requirements and accessibility for citizens with disabilities).

    Hanne Marie teaches and supervises within Administrative Law, Data Protection Regulation, Information Law and Compliance. She is responsible for the mandatory course, Administrative Law, along with associate professor Rasmus Grønved Nielsen and professor Carina Risvig Hamer, responsible for the course in data protection regulation and co-responsible for the course, compliance in the public sector, along with professor Carina Risvig Hamer. A characteristic of Hanne Marie's teaching is that she strives to use digital solutions and make education accessible for everyone.

    In addition, Hanne Marie Motzfeldt is course group coordinator for the course group Information Law and Personal Data Law. She is also active outside the Faculty of Law, e.g. as a member of working groups and steering groups related to development of education.

    At the Faculty of law, University of Copenhagen, Hanne Marie Motzfeldt contributes organisationally as a member of  Akademisk Råd (Academic Council). Outside the faculty, she is a board member of the research network  Nordic PerMed Law (Nordic Network for Personalized Medicine and Law). She also teaches at the Ph.D. courses in Offentlig Digitalisering (Public digitalisation) and on Forskningsspørgsmål (Research questions)

    Currently, Hanne Marie is leading the research project Nordic Public Digitalisation and Rule of Law (DigiLaw), which aims to examine how the common Nordic values, such as legal certainty and trust in the public sector can be preserved, while citizens still obtain the benefits of a more digital public sector. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers and is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

    Hanne Marie is also a research partner for the two projects, Contestable Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Defining, evaluating and communicating AI contestability in health care, law and finance and Hvordan skaber digitalisering merarbejde i den offentlige sektor?, (How does digitalisation create additional work in the public sector?). Both projects are funded by Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (Independent Research Fund Denmark).

    Hanne Marie contributes to research impact as an expert for Det Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd (The European Data Protection Council) and as a member of Djøfs Jurapanel (Djøf’s Law panel). In addition, she participates ad hoc in committees etc., e.g.  EU Commission's Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies/New Technologies formation and the Danish Ethical Council's expert group on wearables.

    Further, Hanne Marie actively contributes to conferences, seminars, webinars, etc. of the legal profession in particular. In the past three years, she has contributed as speaker and co-organiser to more than 50 national and international conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. The list of activities is available here.

    ID: 12894648