Alexander Sebastian Hauser

Alexander Sebastian Hauser

Associate Professor

The explosion of biomedical data in genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, and related fields provide new opportunities to deepen our understanding of human physiology and disease. We integrate these data with innovative computational tools to gain novel insights into protein biology.

Our strength is the combined expertise in selected biological systems with the integration of diverse often unique datasets and hypotheses.


Research direction
We integrate large biomedical data in genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, and health care combining innovative computational methods to gain insights into novel drug targets and to reveal fundamental principles in biological systems.

Pharmacogenomics & Personalised Medicine Mechanisms. Key to realising the potential of personalised medicine is integrating systems biology, statistics, and bioinformatics to associate genotypes to phenotypes. Our work bridges the fields of genetics and genomics, structural biology, pharmacology, drug development and medicine, as a case study for GPCRs.

Protein-protein interactions across evolutionary domains: We are developing ML-based analytical frameworks to identify bioactive peptides across domains of life to discover and dissect novel molecular interconnections between species retelling evolutionary processes.

Molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors: We employ in vitro pharmacological tools to understand ligand-receptor interactions, receptor subtype selectivity, activation mechanisms, and signaling pathways at the molecular/mechanistic level.

Data science approaches to uncover genotype to phenotype relationships: We are working on translational approaches to link cellular signalling complexity by genetic variability and other regulatory mechanisms to clinical outcomes from large biobank cohorts providing a more rational target selection for drug discovery.

I am always interested in hearing from highly motivated candidates in both computational biology and/or experimental biology. Please send a letter of intent outlining your motivation to join, as well as your publication list and CV.

Read more at the websites of the Hauser group and the Pharmaceutical Informatics Section.

See Google scholar.

Twitter: @alexshauser



Selected publications

  1. Published

    Pharmacogenomics of GPCR Drug Targets

    Hauser, Alexander Sebastian, Chavali, S., Masuho, I., Jahn, L., Martemyanov, K., Gloriam, David E. & Babu, M., Jan 2018, In: Cell. 172, p. 41–54

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    Discovery of Human Signaling Systems: Pairing Peptides to G Protein-Coupled Receptors

    Foster, S. R., Hauser, Alexander Sebastian, Vedel, L., Strachan, R. T., Huang, X., Gavin, A. C., Shah, S. D., Nayak, A. P., Haugaard-Kedström, L. M., Penn, R. B., Roth, B. L., Bräuner, Hans & Gloriam, David E., 31 Oct 2019, In: Cell. 179, 4, p. 895-908

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Trends in GPCR drug discovery: new agents, targets and indications

    Hauser, Alexander Sebastian, Gloriam, David E., Attwood, M. M., Rask-Andersen, M. & Schiöth, H. B., 27 Oct 2017, In: Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. 16, p. 829-842 14 p., 178.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Selectivity determinants of GPCR-G-protein binding

    Flock, T., Hauser, Alexander Sebastian, Lund, N., Gloriam, David E., Balaji, S. & Babu, M. M., 18 May 2017, In: Nature. 545, 7654, p. 317-322 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

Selected prizes

  1. H.C. Ørsted forskertalentpris

    Hauser, Alexander Sebastian (Recipient), 14 Aug 2019

    Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions

ID: 143688078