'We are stories' / nở · bro [pop-up vol.2]

Activity: Other activity typesOther



Long Nguyen - Editor

I curated a pop-up space that used a diversity of aesthetics to connect people around reflections about society and public-health issues in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Activities included: art exhibition with works of local artists (Thit Senstius, Karoline Lawætz, Frederikke Becher and Mathis Didia); library corner featuring BIPOC writers (curation by (un)told pages); workshops/debates led by researchers of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and the Karolinska Institute (Sweden); community dinners and other social events.

The core idea of this ‘bottom-up’ initiative was to break down barriers between creative disciplines and practices, to integrate societal reflections into culture and facilitate knowledge-sharing within the local community.
2023 → …

ID: 346147099