The Collaborating Cultural Organization: Legitimization through partnerships

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Cultural organizations increasingly articulate their purpose and raison d'être according to their societal relevance. The article analyses four Danish cultural organisations’ efforts to appear relevant in order to answer the question: How do cultural organizations relate themselves to society? Theoretically, the analysis builds on the works of Luc Boltanski et al. The article concludes that both common tasks and the means to accomplish them are influenced by a collaborative imperative. The cultural organizations frame their core tasks as meetings and facilitation of connections, and they plan and carry out many activities in collaboration with partners. If an organization has too few connections with others, the organisation appears isolated and unattractive. Relevance is thus closely connected to the engagement with others. The article discusses how these findings relate to certain critiques and legitimacy of the cultural field.
TidsskriftThe Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)307-323
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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