Salvage of relapse of patients with Hodgkin's disease in clinical stages I or II who were staged with laparotomy and initially treated with radiotherapy alone. A report from the international database on Hodgkin's disease

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PURPOSE: To analyze presentation variables that might indicate a high or low likelihood of success of the treatment of patients relapsing after initial radiotherapy of Hodgkin's disease in clinical Stages I or II who were staged with laparotomy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Data were analyzed on 681 patients in the International Database on Hodgkin's Disease who were initially in clinical Stages I or II, who were staged with laparotomy, and who relapsed after initial treatment with irradiation alone. Factors analyzed for outcome after first relapse included initial stage, age, sex, histology, presentation (s
Udgivelsesdato: 1994/11/15
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)805-811
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 1994

Bibliografisk note

UI - 95049714LA - engPT - Journal ArticleDA - 19941215IS - 0360-3016SB - IMCY - UNITED STATES

ID: 19403059