Rapid interferometric imaging of printed drug laden multilayer structures

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  • Niklas Sandler
  • Ivan Kassamakov
  • Henrik Ehlers
  • Genina, Natalja
  • Tuomo Ylitalo
  • Edward Haeggstrom
The developments in printing technologies allow fabrication of micron-size nano-layered delivery systems to personal specifications. In this study we fabricated layered polymer structures for drug-delivery into a microfluidic channel and aimed to interferometrically assure their topography and adherence to each other. We present a scanning white light interferometer (SWLI) method for quantitative assurance of the topography of the embedded structure. We determined rapidly in non-destructive manner the thickness and roughness of the structures and whether the printed layers containing polymers or/and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) adhere to each other. This is crucial in order to have predetermined drug release profiles. We also demonstrate non-invasive measurement of a polymer structure in a microfluidic channel. It shown that traceable interferometric 3D microscopy is a viable technique for detailed structural quality assurance of layered drug-delivery systems. The approach can have impact and find use in a much broader setting within and outside life sciences.
TidsskriftScientific Reports
Sider (fra-til)4020
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 7 feb. 2014

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