PhAI: A deep-learning approach to solve the crystallographic phase problem

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X-ray crystallography provides a distinctive view on the three-dimensional structure of crystals. To reconstruct the electron density map, the complex structure factors [Formula: see text] of a sufficiently large number of diffracted reflections must be known. In a conventional experiment, only the amplitudes [Formula: see text] are obtained, and the phases ϕ are lost. This is the crystallographic phase problem. In this work, we show that a neural network, trained on millions of artificial structure data, can solve the phase problem at a resolution of only 2 angstroms, using only 10 to 20% of the data needed for direct methods. The network works in common space groups and for modest unit-cell dimensions and suggests that neural networks could be used to solve the phase problem in the general case for weakly scattering crystals.

TidsskriftScience (New York, N.Y.)
Udgave nummer6708
Sider (fra-til)522-528
StatusUdgivet - 2024

ID: 402814707