New data on Anomologini from Palaearctic Asia (Gelechiidae).

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Two new genera of Gelechiidae, Spiniphallellus gen. n. and Spiniductellus gen. n., are described from mountain areas of Palaearctic Asia. The new genera are placed in the Anomologini, and they are compared with relevant genera of that tribe. Spiniphallellus gen. n. includes three species: S. desertus sp. n. (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan), S. stonisi sp. n. (Kazakhstan) and S. fuscescens (Turkey), and Spiniductellus gen. n. includes two species: S. atraphaxi sp. n. (Tadzhikistan) and S.  flavonigrum sp. n. (Kazakhstan). The host plant is known only for S. atraphaxi sp. n., which was bred from Atraphaxis pyrifolia Bunke (Polygonaceae). The higher classification of the Gelechiidae, and especially the Anomologini is briefly reviewed. Arguments for describing these new taxa outside of a larger taxonomic framework are given, and we discuss why we describe new genera for the species instead of placing them in existing ones.

TidsskriftNota Lepidopterologica
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)199-213
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 15 nov. 2008

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