In vivo models of Escherichia coli infection in poultry

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Escherichia coli represents a significant challenge to the poultry industry due to compromised animal welfare, vast productivity losses, elevated mortality, and increased use of antimicrobial compounds. Therefore, effective preventive strategies and insight into the pathogenesis and disease mechanisms of colibacillosis are essential to secure a healthy poultry production. Consequently, discriminative in vivo models of colibacillosis are prerequisite tools for evaluating e.g., preventive measures, exploring novel treatments and understanding disease development. Numerous models of colibacillosis are applied for experimental studies in poultry. Yet, few studies provide a proper characterisation of the model enabling other authors to reproduce experiments or use the model in general. The present paper provides a literature review on avian in vivo models of primary colibacillosis.

TidsskriftActa Veterinaria Scandinavica
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This review has not been published previously.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).

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