Identification of biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes

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  • Roderick C. Slieker
  • Louise A Donnelly
  • Elina Akalestou
  • Livia Lopez-Noriega
  • Rana Melhem
  • Ayşim Güneş
  • Frederic Abou Azar
  • Alexander Efanov
  • Eleni Georgiadou
  • Hermine Muniangi-Muhitu
  • Mahsa Sheikh
  • Giuseppe N. Giordano
  • Mikael Åkerlund
  • Emma Ahlqvist
  • Ashfaq Ali
  • Marko Barovic
  • Gerard A. Bouland
  • Frédéric Burdet
  • Mickaël Canouil
  • Iulian Dragan
  • Petra J. M. Elders
  • Celine Fernandez
  • Andreas Festa
  • Hugo Fitipaldi
  • Phillippe Froguel
  • Valborg Gudmundsdottir
  • Vilmundur Gudnason
  • Mathias J Gerl
  • Amber A. van der Heijden
  • Lori L Jennings
  • Michael K. Hansen
  • Min Kim
  • Isabelle Leclerc
  • Christian Klose
  • Dmitry Kuznetsov
  • Dina Mansour Aly
  • Florence Mehl
  • Diana Marek
  • Olle Melander
  • Anne Niknejad
  • Filip Ottosson
  • Imre Pavo
  • Kevin Duffin
  • Samreen K Syed
  • Janice L Shaw
  • Over Cabrera
  • Timothy J Pullen
  • Kai Simons
  • Michele Solimena
  • Tommi Suvitaival
  • Asger Wretlind
  • Valeriya Lyssenko
  • Cristina Legido Quigley
  • Leif Groop
  • Bernard Thorens
  • Paul W. Franks
  • Gareth E Lim
  • Jennifer Estall
  • Mark Ibberson
  • Joline W J Beulens
  • Leen M 't Hart
  • Ewan R Pearson
  • Guy A. Rutter

We identify biomarkers for disease progression in three type 2 diabetes cohorts encompassing 2,973 individuals across three molecular classes, metabolites, lipids and proteins. Homocitrulline, isoleucine and 2-aminoadipic acid, eight triacylglycerol species, and lowered sphingomyelin 42:2;2 levels are predictive of faster progression towards insulin requirement. Of ~1,300 proteins examined in two cohorts, levels of GDF15/MIC-1, IL-18Ra, CRELD1, NogoR, FAS, and ENPP7 are associated with faster progression, whilst SMAC/DIABLO, SPOCK1 and HEMK2 predict lower progression rates. In an external replication, proteins and lipids are associated with diabetes incidence and prevalence. NogoR/RTN4R injection improved glucose tolerance in high fat-fed male mice but impaired it in male db/db mice. High NogoR levels led to islet cell apoptosis, and IL-18R antagonised inflammatory IL-18 signalling towards nuclear factor kappa-B in vitro. This comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach thus identifies biomarkers with potential prognostic utility, provides evidence for possible disease mechanisms, and identifies potential therapeutic avenues to slow diabetes progression.

TidsskriftNature Communications
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

© 2023. The Author(s).

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