Genomic prediction for root and yield traits of barley under a water availability gradient: a case study comparing different spatial adjustments

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Background: In drought periods, water use efficiency depends on the capacity of roots to extract water from deep soil. A semi-field phenotyping facility (RadiMax) was used to investigate above-ground and root traits in spring barley when grown under a water availability gradient. Above-ground traits included grain yield, grain protein concentration, grain nitrogen removal, and thousand kernel weight. Root traits were obtained through digital images measuring the root length at different depths. Two nearest-neighbor adjustments (M1 and M2) to model spatial variation were used for genetic parameter estimation and genomic prediction (GP). M1 and M2 used (co)variance structures and differed in the distance function to calculate between-neighbor correlations. M2 was the most developed adjustment, as accounted by the Euclidean distance between neighbors. Results: The estimated heritabilities (h^ 2) ranged from low to medium for root and above-ground traits. The genetic coefficient of variation (GCV) ranged from 3.2 to 7.0% for above-ground and 4.7 to 10.4% for root traits, indicating good breeding potential for the measured traits. The highest GCV observed for root traits revealed that significant genetic change in root development can be achieved through selection. We studied the genotype-by-water availability interaction, but no relevant interaction effects were detected. GP was assessed using leave-one-line-out (LOO) cross-validation. The predictive ability (PA) estimated as the correlation between phenotypes corrected by fixed effects and genomic estimated breeding values ranged from 0.33 to 0.49 for above-ground and 0.15 to 0.27 for root traits, and no substantial variance inflation in predicted genetic effects was observed. Significant differences in PA were observed in favor of M2. Conclusions: The significant GCV and the accurate prediction of breeding values for above-ground and root traits revealed that developing genetically superior barley lines with improved root systems is possible. In addition, we found significant spatial variation in the experiment, highlighting the relevance of correctly accounting for spatial effects in statistical models. In this sense, the proposed nearest-neighbor adjustments are flexible approaches in terms of assumptions that can be useful for semi-field or field experiments.

TidsskriftPlant Methods
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities for providing financial support. We also thank Prof. Torben Asp's group at QGG Flakkebjerg for sample collection and Dr. Istvan Nagy for supervising variant calling implementation. Nordic Seed A/S breeding company and Sejet Plant Breeding I/S are also greatly acknowledged for providing phenotypic data.

Funding Information:
This project was funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (Grant no 5184–000358), Crop Innovation Denmark, Promilleafgiftsfonden, Plan Danmark and Godfred Birkedal Hartmanns Familiefond.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024, The Author(s).

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