Forgiftningsdødsfald blandt narkomaner i Fyns Amt i 1993

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This study includes death from poisoning among drug addicts in 1993 in the county of Funen, in all 24. The development during the last five years shows an increase, especially in the largest city of the county. The drug addicts have several problems, and several of them were well-known in the social welfare system or by the police. Half of the drug addicts had received treatment for their abuse and three persons were receiving treatment at the time of their death. A few - primarily among the youngest - had only used drugs for a short time while one third had abused drugs for several years.
The greater part of the deaths were caused by heroin, which is found in different concentrations in the illegal market.
Five of the dead persons had just been released from prison and three people had just left 24-hour care centers when they were found dead.
Co-operation between the various, treating authorities has to be given high priority.
Bidragets oversatte titelDeaths among drug addicts in the county of Funen 1993
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer45
Sider (fra-til)6434-6437
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - nov. 1995

ID: 131457498