Focused bedside ultrasonography by clinicians: experiences with a basic introductory course

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OBJECTIVE: Ultrasonography (US) performed by clinicians might shorten workout time and diminish the workload of simple diagnostic procedures for physicians specialized in US. The purpose of this follow-up study was to evaluate the effect of an introductory course in US on participants' clinical behaviour and course compliance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The course consisted of a combined didactic, hands-on, one-day course including a skills test and a review of 20 still-pictures of pathological findings for final authorization. A questionnaire focusing on pre- and post-course activity and its impact on clinical behaviour was sent to 162 participants. RESULTS: The response rate was 64% (103). Forty-eight (47%) participants changed their clinical approach, 45 (44%) their workout programme and 25 (24%) the pattern of referral. Eleven (10%) sent in the required pathological findings for final authorization. Thirty-four (33%) participants did not carry out US after the course; 19 did not have access to US apparatus, 7 claimed that they lacked the time, 6 lacked supervision and 1 participant cited insufficiency of the course. Clinical approach was changed by 48 (47%), acute workout by 45 (44%) and pattern of referral by 24 (23%). CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians appear to be ready to change the patterns of their workout programmes and clinical approach after a combined didactic and hands-on introduction to US, but only 10% produced the recommended documentation for authorization. National guidelines need to be introduced for gastroenterologists and surgeons or the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Guidelines should be implemented
Udgivelsesdato: 2008
TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)229-233
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 14248427