Exposure to different residential indoor characteristics during childhood and asthma in adolescence: a latent class analysis of the Danish National Birth Cohort

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Many residential indoor environments may have an impact on children’s respiratory health.

The aims of this study were to identify latent classes of children from the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) who share similar patterns of exposure to indoor home characteristics, and to examine the association between membership in the latent classes and asthma in adolescence.

We included data on residential indoor characteristics of offspring from the DNBC whose mothers had responded to the child’s 11-year follow-up and who had data on asthma from the 18-year follow-up. Number of classes and associations were estimated using latent class analysis. To account for sample selection, we applied inverse probability weighting.

Our final model included five latent classes. The probability of current asthma at 18 years was highest among individuals in class one with higher clustering on household dampness (9, 95%CI 0.06–0.13). Individuals in class four (with higher clustering on pets ownership and living in a farm) had a lower risk of current asthma at age 18 compared to individuals in class one (with higher clustering on household dampness) (OR 0.53 (95%CI 0.32–0.88), p = .01).

Our findings suggest that, in a high-income country such as Denmark, groups of adolescents growing up in homes with mold and moisture during mid-childhood might be at increased risk of current asthma at age 18. Adolescents who grew-up in a farmhouse and who were exposed to pets seem less likely to suffer from asthma by age 18.
TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Epidemiology
Sider (fra-til)51–65
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Open access funding provided by Royal Library, Copenhagen University Library. This study was made possible by a grant from the RealDania Foundation (PRJ-2019–00020 ‘Indoor environment and child health’). The funders of the study had no role in the design, analyses, or interpretation of the study, nor were they involved in the decision to publish.

Funding Information:
The Danish National Birth Cohort was established with a significant grant from the Danish National Research Foundation. Additional support was obtained from the Danish Regional Committees, the Pharmacy Foundation, the Egmont Foundation, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the Health Foundation and other minor grants. The DNBC Biobank has been supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Lundbeck Foundation. Follow-up of mothers and children have been supported by the Danish Medical Research Council (SSVF 0646, 271-08-0839/06-066023, O602-01042B, 0602-02738B), the Lundbeck Foundation (195/04, R100-A9193), The Innovation Fund Denmark 0603-00294B (09-067124), the Nordea Foundation (02-2013-2014), Aarhus Ideas (AU R9-A959-13-S804), University of Copenhagen Strategic Grant (IFSV 2012), and the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF – 4183-00594 and DFF—4183-00152).

Funding Information:
AP is funded by a Lundbeck Foundation fellowship (R264-2017–3099). MP was partly funded by the Health Effects Institute (HEI), an organization jointly funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Assistance Award No. CR-83590201) and certain motor vehicle and engine manufacturers. The contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the views of HEI, or its sponsors, nor do they necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA or motor vehicle and engine manufacturers.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s).

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