Engaging students and communities through service learning and community-academia partnerships: Lessons from social marketing education

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

In this chapter, the authors present cases from four teaching marketing education experiences, based on community engagement and service learning principles. The cases address environmental and social issues (i.e., waste minimization [Lebanon], food consumption [Denmark], intellectual disability [Ireland], water consumption, and plastic waste reduction [Switzerland]). This chapter stems from discussions generated during a thematic workshop the authors organized at the 3rd European Social Marketing Conference, held in Espoo, Finland, on September 22, 2016. Through these cases, the authors aim to stimulate critical reflection on the role of service learning in the broader marketing education and on the intersection between education and profession.

TitelResearch Anthology on Business and Technical Education in the Information Era
Antal sider25
ForlagIGI global
Publikationsdato8 jan. 2021
ISBN (Trykt)9781799853459
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781799853466
StatusUdgivet - 8 jan. 2021

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