Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Ventral Foregut Precursors

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Anterior definitive endoderm (ADE), the ventral foregut precursor, is both an important embryonic signaling center and a unique multipotent precursor of liver, pancreas, and other organs. Here, a method is described for the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to definitive endoderm with pronounced anterior character. ADE-containing cultures can be produced in vitro by suspension (embryoid body) culture or in a serum-free adherent monolayer culture. ESC-derived ADE cells are committed to endodermal fates and can undergo further differentiation in vitro towards ventral foregut derivatives.

TidsskriftCurrent Protocols in Stem Cell Biology
Sider (fra-til)1G.3.1-12
StatusUdgivet - 3 feb. 2016

ID: 167471162