Diagnostic accuracy of combined optical- and radio-guided SNB for neck staging of oral squamous cell carcinoma lesions in the anterior oral cavity

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Purpose: The purpose was to investigate the diagnostic performance of bimodal optical and radio-guided sentinel node biopsy (SNB) for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) sub-sites in the anterior oral cavity. Methods: Prospective study of 50 consecutive patients with cN0 OSCC scheduled for SNB was injected with the tracer complex Tc99m:ICG:Nacocoll. A near-infrared camera was applied for optical SN detection. Endpoints were modality for intraoperative SN detection and false omission rate at follow-up. Results: In all patients, a SN could be detected. In 12/50 (24%) of cases, the SPECT/CT showed no focus in level 1, but intraoperatively a SN in level 1 was optically detected. In 22/50 cases (44%), an additional SN was identified only due to the optical imaging. At follow-up, the false omission rate was 0%. Conclusion: Optical imaging appears to be an effective tool to allow real-time SN identification comprising level 1 unaffected by possible interference of radiation site from the injection.

TidsskriftEuropean Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Sider (fra-til)3393–3403
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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© 2023, The Author(s).

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