Designing for collaborative interpretation in telemonitoring: re-introducing patients as diagnostic agents

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Purpose: We investigate why clinicians experience problems interpreting implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) data when the patient is absent, and we explore how to reintroduce
patients into the socio-technical setup of telemonitored interpretation practices.
Method: An action research study with a design interventionist perspective was conducted
to investigate the telemonitoring arrangement for chronic heart patients with ICDs and
to identify the nature of the collaborative practices involved in ICD data interpretation.
We diagnose the main challenges involved in collaborative interpretation practices. These
insights were used to re-design the socio-technical setup of the telemonitoring practices by
designing and building a web-based, patient-centric, collaborative application, myRecord,
to re-introduce the patients as active participants into the telemonitoring setup. Finally, we
introduce myRecord at Copenhagen University Hospital and evaluate the new practices and
the collaborative technology related to the transformed role of the patients.
Results: The interpretation of ICD data is a collaborative practice engaging clinicians and
patients and involving three separate collaborative processes: interpretation of numbers; interpretation
of general condition; and patient’s interpretation of own condition and ICD data. In a
collocated setup, these three interpretation processes are entangled and seamlessly interrelated.
However, in the current telemonitoring setup, only the interpretation of numbers
process is fully supported, neglecting the two other processes, and, in particular, the role
of the patient. By re-introducing patients into the socio-technical setup of telemonitoring
through myRecord, our design acknowledges the collaborative nature of the interpretation
process. However, re-introducing patients transforms their role, and leads to new transformed
telemonitoring practices, different from both the current telemonitoring setup as
well as from the collocated setup.
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Medical Informatics
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)e112-e126
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2011

Bibliografisk note

Paper id:: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2010.09.010

ID: 22568968