COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy model: The impact of vaccine education on controlling the outbreak in the United States

Publikation: Working paperPreprintForskning

The coronavirus outbreak continues to pose a significant challenge to human lives globally. Many efforts have been made to develop vaccines to combat this virus. However, with the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine, there is hesitancy and a mixed reaction toward getting the vaccine. We develop a mathematical model to analyze and investigate the impacts of education on individuals hesitant to get vaccinated. The findings indicate that vaccine education can substantially minimize the daily cumulative cases and deaths of COVID-19 in the United States. The results also show that vaccine education significantly increases the number of willing susceptible individuals, and with a high vaccination rate and vaccine effectiveness, the outbreak can be controlled in the US.
StatusUdgivet - 2021
Eksternt udgivetJa


  • infectious diseases

ID: 335447629