Cost of stroke: a controlled national study evaluating societal effects on patients and their partners

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BACKGROUND: To estimate the direct and indirect costs of stroke in patients and their partners.

DESCRIPTION: Direct and indirect costs were calculated using records from the Danish National Patient Registry from 93,047 ischemic, 26,012 hemorrhagic and 128,824 unspecified stroke patients and compared with 364,433, 103,741 and 500,490 matched controls, respectively.

RESULTS: Independent of age and gender, stroke patients had significantly higher rates of mortality, health-related contacts, medication use and lower employment, lower income and higher social-transfer payments than controls. The attributable cost of direct net health care costs after the stroke (general practitioner services, hospital services, and medication) and indirect costs (loss of labor market income) were €10,720, €8,205 and €7,377 for patients, and €989, €1,544 and €1.645 for their partners, over and above that of controls for hemorrhagic, ischemic and unspecified stroke, respectively. The negative social- and health-related status could be identified up to eleven years before the first diagnosis.

CONCLUSION: Stroke has significant mortality, morbidity and socioeconomic consequences for patients, their partners and society.

TidsskriftBMC Health Services Research
Sider (fra-til)1-10
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2015

ID: 162621511