Arctic Spring Systems Driven by Permafrost Aggradation

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Groundwater springs in permafrost regions provide pathways for solutes and dissolved gases to escape from sub-permafrost groundwater systems, which otherwise are completely isolated from the surface environment and atmosphere. Yet, fundamental questions as to the mechanisms driving groundwater flow to the surface remain unsolved. In this study, basal permafrost aggradation is explored as a mechanism for generating groundwater flow and driving groundwater spring systems. We employ process-based numerical modeling to test the hypothesis of permafrost-aggradation-driven spring systems in a range of environmental settings. The model results show that permafrost aggradation can generate spring flow on a multi-millennial timescale and with discharge rates up to a couple of liters per second. Permafrost aggradation deserves attention as a groundwater flow driving mechanism in areas of recent glacio-isostatic uplift and glacial retreat.

TidsskriftGeophysical Research Letters
Udgave nummer17
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was conducted within the Catchment Transport and Cryohydrology Network (CatchNet) funded by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB). Lisse Verbakel was involved in the early stages of designing this study, and we would like to acknowledge her contribution. We thank one anonymous reviewer for providing thougtful review comments.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023. The Authors.

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