Anholts sommerfugle (Lepidoptera)

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The Lepidoptera fauna of the Danish island of Anholt is surveyed, and 1160 species are recorded. Anholt is situated in Kattegat 44 km from Denmark and 47 km from Sweden. The history and environment of the island are briefly discussed, with special focus on the flora, and earlier studies of the Lepidopterera fauna of Anholt are dealt with. The present study is in first hand based on material collected by the late Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen and the authors, partly in the 1970's and partly in more recent years. The material do not permit a general comparison between the status of the Lepidoptera fauna on Anholt within these two periods, but examples on species which seem to have disappeared from the island during the last 20-30 years, and other which have colonized Anholt during that period, are discussed under comments ("kommentarer"). We consider a number of the species found in Anholt as only temporary resident. Most records are based on voucher material, the depository of which is stated at A list of all 1160 species is given, and comments are added for rare, dubious or otherwise interesting records. A considerable part of Anholt consists of open, sandy areas with heath-like or dune vegetation, a nature type which is threatened in Europe due to eutrophication and overgrowing.

Bidragets oversatte titelLepidoptera from the island of Anholt.
TidsskriftEntomologiske Meddelelser
Sider (fra-til)3-39
Antal sider37
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 10161052