An open-labeled, randomized study comparing systemic interferon-alpha-2A and prednisolone enemas in the treatment of left-sided ulcerative colitis

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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the treatment efficacies of subcutaneous interferon-alpha-2A (IFN-alpha-2A) injections versus prednisolone enemas in active left-sided ulcerative colitis in an open-labeled, randomized study.

METHODS: Sixteen ulcerative colitis patients received IFN-alpha-2A subcutaneously (dosage: first wk, 9 MIU three times weekly [t.i.w.]; second wk, 6 MIU t.i.w.; wk 3-12, 3 MIU t.i.w.), and 16 received prednisolone enemas for 30 days (100 ml once daily, 0.25 mg of prednisolone/ml). The Powell-Tuck Index, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) score, and rectal histological activities were assessed before and after treatment. Thirteen patients in the IFN-alpha-2A group and all 16 in the prednisolone enema group completed the treatment.

RESULTS: IFN-alpha-2A treatment showed significant improvements in the Powell-Tuck Index (p = 0.0002), IBDQ score (p = 0.002), and rectal histological activity scores (p = 0.02). In the enema group, significant improvements were found in the Powell-Tuck Index (p = 0.0009), whereas no significant improvements were detected in the IBDQ scores (p = 0.055) or rectal histological scores (p = 0.052). There were no differences between scores of the two groups either before or after treatment. Only moderate side effects from the IFN-alpha-2A treatment were seen during the first 2-4 wk of treatment.

CONCLUSION: IFN-alpha-2A treatment resulted in significant depression of the disease activity as reflected by the Powell-Tuck Index, IBDQ score, and histological disease activity scoring. The preliminary trial thus suggests that IFN-alpha-2A may be effective in the treatment of active left-sided ulcerative colitis. Larger, randomized trials are, however, warranted to confirm this finding, owing to possible type II errors in group comparisons.

TidsskriftThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)1807-15
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2001

ID: 218726794