A replication of “The effects of making public service employees aware of their prosocial and societal impact”

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Recent studies show that simple recall tasks can make public employees more aware of the positive impact they have on others and society. This in turn increases their motivation. However, studies often draw on paid survey
respondents, such as respondents recruited via Amazon MTurk, resulting in an unfortunate mismatch between test sample and target population. Addressing the need to test recall tasks among real-world public servants, we conducted
a wide replication (n = 412) of a recent study by Vogel and Willems. Our findings suggest that the effect sizes of recall tasks are likely relatively smaller when deployed “in the wild.” Based on our findings, we propose three themes for
a future research agenda and point practitioners to areas of attention when implementing recall tasks in real-world settings.
TidsskriftPublic Administration
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)352-365
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2023

ID: 331484549