Søren Kyllingsbæk

Søren Kyllingsbæk


Medlem af:

    Born: 28th of October 1972 (Copenhagen, Denmark)



    • Cand. Psych. (University of Copenhagen, 1997)
    • PhD (University of Copenhagen, 2002)
    • Dr. Psych. (University of Copenhagen, 2015)


    Current position:


    Professor in Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology and Department of Computerscience, University of Copenhagen.


    Previous positions:


    Head of Department, Professor in Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Professor MSO in Visual Perception, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Visiting Professor at the School of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia (1 month).


    Research fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany (14 days).


    Head of the PhD program at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Visiting Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (11 months).


    Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling, the Danish Technical University (6 months).


    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Research fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Visiting scholar, Medical Research Council, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge (6 months).


    PhD student in Cognitive and Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


    Research Assistant at the Neurobiological Research Unit, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen.


    Administration and evaluation experience

    Fellow of the Psychonomics Society, USA (2017-).

    Member of the Steering Group at Center for Visual Cognition, UCPH (2002-2014).

    Local officer for the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (2003-2013).

    Member of the board of the Danish Society for Philosophy and Psychology (2004-2009, 2014-).

    Member of the Study Board at Dept. of Psychology, UCPH (2006-2012).

    Evaluator of applications for academic positions (PhD scholarships, postdocs, associate professorships) (2006-).

    Member of committee for the Brain, Mind and Medicine Network at the University of Copenhagen (2008-2010).

    Board member of the Kristian Holt Hansen Foundation for research on psychology of perception (2009-)

    Head of the PhD program, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen (2010-2013).

    Member and initiator of the exchange forum for young research leaders at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (2011-2014).

    Member of the Danish Human Factors Centre (2012-).

    Member of the steering committee of the project titled “Dynamical Systems: Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Methodology for the Social, Health, and Natural Sciences” (2013-2018).

    Head of the Department of Psychology, UCPH (2015-2020).


    ph.d., Dr. Psych.

    ID: 1496870