Rasmus Bro

Rasmus Bro


Medlem af:

    Rasmus Bro is performing research on most aspect of machine learning and artificial intelligence within analytical chemistry (chemometrics). He is heading an industrial research consortium, ODIN, focusing on Process Analytical Technology (PAT) . He has been an editor of Journal of Chemometrics for many years and is the author of a number of matlab toolboxes that are made freely available.

    Primære forskningsområder

    • Chemometrics 
    • Machine learning
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Multivariate calibration 
    • Multi-way Tensor Analysis 
    • Fluorescence spectroscopy
    • Spectroscopy
    • Metabonomics
    • Process Analytical Technology

    Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

      • Responsible for the international MSc course Advanced Chemometrics and Machine Learning (7,5 ETCS).
      • Responsible for the International PhD School of Chemometrics with one months of courses given by world class leaders annually (12 ETCS). 

      In addition Rasmus Bro teaches numerous PhD and industrial courses

    ID: 4226399