Michael Poulsen
Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
Name: Michael Poulsen
Date of birth: 23. May 1976
Nationality: Danish
Current and previous hires
2020- Professor in the Evolution of Microbial Symbioses, Section for Ecology and Evolution, BIO.
2014- Associate Professor, Section for Ecology and Evolution, BIO.
2010-2014 Assistant Professor, Section for Ecology and Evolution, BIO.
2005-2010 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, adviser Prof. C.R. Currie.
2002-2005 PhD, Department of Biology (BIO), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), supervised by Prof. J.J. Boomsma (awarded 15/05/05).
2000-2001 MSc, Department of Ecology and Genetics, Aarhus University, supervised by Prof. J.J. Boomsma (UCPH) and Assoc. Prof. E. Davis Parker (AU) (awarded 09/04/2001).
1995-2000 BSc, Biological Sciences, Aarhus University.
Scientific qualifications
- 116 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
- 5317 citations in Scopus; h=40 (excluding self-citations).
- 5810 citations in Google Scholar; h=41, i10=87 (Google Scholar).
- Six invited other publications and three book chapters.
- 70 invited oral presentations at national & international meetings, and departmental seminars, including four as keynote/plenary speaker.
- 63 contributed oral and 112 contributed poster presentations at national & international meetings.
- Web of Science Researcher ID: C-6276-2012; Publeons; ORCID.
Selected academic awards and honours
2022 DFF-Research Project 1, Green Research from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences (2.879.087 DKK).
2022 Host for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to Dr. Erin Cole (1.599.628 DKK).
2020 International Symposium on Fungal Adaptation and Evolution, Carlsbergfondet (60.000 DKK) (cancelled due to COVID19).
2017 ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (15.000.000 DKK).
2017 Faculty of Science, UCPH, grant for the 4.5ECTS PhD course Chemical and Genomic Insight to Parasitic and Mutualistic Host-Microbe Interactions (67.000 DKK).
2017 Carlsbergfondet Research Infrastructure (177.000 DKK)
2017 DFF-Research Project 2 (Forskningsprojekt 2) from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences (5.871.506 DKK).
2015 Funding from the NOVA University Network for the PhD course Chemical and Genomic insight to host-microbe symbiotic interactions (112.886 DKK).
2015 One-year co-financing of a PhD stipend, Department of Biology (380.756 DKK).
2015 Villum Kann Rasmussen Young Investigator Fellowship (6.690.432 DKK).
2014 PhD stipend, Rafael Rodrigues da Costa, Science without Borders, CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brazil (455.000 DKK).
2011 Best Photo, 6th Asia-Pacific Association of Chemical Ecology Conference. Beijing, China.
2010 Four-year STENO fellowship from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences (4.119.287 DKK).
2007-2008 Post-doctoral research fellowship from Carlsbergfondet (600.000 DKK).
2006 Post-doctoral research fellowship from Lundbeckfonden (350.000 DKK).
Management experience
Grant management
2010- Management of research projects that total 36mio. DKK (detailed above).
Commissions of trust
2019- Associate Editor, BMC Environmental Microbiome (5 editing assignments).
2019- Associate Editor, BMC Animal Microbiome (2 editing assignments).
2016-2019 Member of the Strategic Research Committee (BIO).
2015-2018 Member of the Communication Committee (BIO).
2017- Associate Editor, BMC Microbiome (23 editing assignments).
2015-2021 Associate Editor, Frontiers in Microbial Symbiosis (31 editing assignments).
Organisational commitments
2020-2023 Section Head, Section for Ecology and Evolution (BIO).
2019 Co-organiser, NW European section of the IUSSI winter meeting, Natural History Museum of London (75 participants, Dec. 16, 2019).
2015- Board member, Docent Dr. Scient. Lauritz Olsons Rejsefond.
2015- Board member, The Danish Microbiological Society.
2015 Planning committee, Department of Biology Retreat (154 participants).
2019-2022 Secretary, NW European Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects.
2015, 2019 Evaluations of PhD applications at Technical University of Denmark, University of Liverpool, and University of Helsinki.
2015-2018 Chairman for evaluation committee for six PhD theses (BIO).
2004- Reviewer of >174 manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Biotechnology, Scientific Reports, Molecular Ecology.
2010- Grant reviews for: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, The Netherlands, ii) German Research Foundation, Germany • The Swedish Research Council, Ecology, Systematics and Evolution (36 appl. in 2016, 39 in 2017) •European Research Council Consolidator Grant, EU • The Research Council of the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium • National Research Foundation, USA • The Austrian Science Fund, Austria • The Icelandic Research Fund, Iceland • French Research Agency, France • UK-China AMR Partnership Initiative application, UK.
Scientific focus areas
- Evolutionary ecology of beneficial and antagonistic symbioses.
- Conflict and cooperation of mutualistic associations.
- Defensive and nutritional microbial symbionts eukaryotic hosts.
- Fungal adaptations to abiotic and biotic stressors.
- Sustainable natural use of antimicrobial compounds without resistance evolution.
- Evolutionary medicine.
International relations
- Main international collaborators:
o Professor Duur K. Aanen, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
o Professor Christine Beemelmanns, International Leibniz Research School for Microbial and Biomolecular Interactions, Jena, Germany.
o Professor Cameron R. Currie, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
o Associate Professor Z. Wilhelm de Beer, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
o Associate Professor N’golo Kone, Abidjan University, Ivory Coast.
o Professor Dino McMahon, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- 16 months of field work in Panama, Peru, South Africa, and Ivory Coast since 2005.
- American Society for Microbiology Ambassador to Denmark (2019-).
Guidance of students
- Supervision of 56 independent projects / Bachelor projects (46 at BIO; 10 at UW-Madison).
- Supervision of 26 MSc (four ongoing) and seven Erasmus/Fulbright (one on-going) students (BIO).
- Eight PhD students (one as co-supervisor; two ongoing) and three research assistants (BIO).
- Ten postdoctoral fellows (one as co-supervisor; three on-going) (BIO).
ID: 22473168
Flest downloads
Chemical analyses of wasp-associated streptomyces bacteria reveal a prolific potential for natural products discovery
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Udgivet -
Preliminary In Vitro Insights into the Use of Natural Fungal Pathogens of Leaf-cutting Ants as Biocontrol Agents
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Towards a better understanding of the evolution of specialized parasites of fungus-growing ant crops
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