Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen

Kurt Valentin Mikkelsen


Medlem af:

    Primære forskningsområder

    We use scientific computing methods to investigate the dynamics and control of molecular perturbations, solvent effects, chemical reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Presently, we target areas as biophotonics (design of optimal two-photon sensitizers), photonics (structure-property relationships for potential optical data and computer components), nanoscience (linear and nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotubes), development of new models for homogeneous and heterogeneous solvation along with the calculation of linear and non-linear molecular properties of solutes and development of new models to describe interactions between nanosized particles and organic molecules along with the calculation of kinetic parameters used in macroscopic modelling in nanoscience and atmospheric chemistry.

    Aktuel forskning

    We use scientific computing methods to investigate the dynamics and control of molecular perturbations, solvent effects, chemical reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Presently, we target areas as biophotonics (design of optimal two-photon sensitizers), photonics (structure-property relationships for potential optical data and computer components), nanoscience (linear and nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotubes), development of new models for homogeneous and heterogeneous solvation along with the calculation of linear and non-linear molecular properties of solutes and development of new models to describe interactions between nanosized particles and organic molecules along with the calculation of kinetic parameters used in macroscopic modelling in nanoscience and atmospheric chemistry.

    Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

    We use scientific computing methods to investigate the dynamics and control of molecular perturbations, solvent effects, chemical reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Presently, we target areas as biophotonics (design of optimal two-photon sensitizers), photonics (structure-property relationships for potential optical data and computer components), nanoscience (linear and nonlinear optical properties of carbon nanotubes), development of new models for homogeneous and heterogeneous solvation along with the calculation of linear and non-linear molecular properties of solutes and development of new models to describe interactions between nanosized particles and organic molecules along with the calculation of kinetic parameters used in macroscopic modelling in nanoscience and atmospheric chemistry.

    ID: 7494