Kristine Ringsager

Kristine Ringsager


My research focuses on the anthropological study of music, with an emphasis on racialized and gendered cultures and infrastructures in musical life and the role of music in processes of social change. I have conducted ethnographic research among racially minoritized rappers in Denmark, focusing on experienced Otherness, citizenship, and cosmopolitanism, and in Turkey, focusing on political and politicised Kurdish musicians' experiences of censorship. I have also published on radiophonic voices and mediations of gendered and ethnic otherness.

Between 2019-2022, I was principal investigator of the collective research project “Music as social intervention. Investigating musical sociality among marginalised children and youth” funded by the Danish Arts Foundation and Arts Council Norway as part of the research programme Art and Social Communities, and between 2020-2022 of the practice-based collective research project “Contemporary music from the Middle East” funded by the Danish Institute in Damascus.

I am currently (2022-2024) the principal investigator of the collaborative research project "Gendering Music Matter" (GEMMA), funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark's Inge Lehmann Programme, which uses an ethnographic perspective, informed by theories of infrastructure, affect and feminist (post)phenomenology, to investigate the mechanisms that promote or hinder equal participation for professionals working in the Danish popular music industry.

ID: 13933835