Hans Rudolf Lytchoff Eiberg

Hans Rudolf Lytchoff Eiberg


Born d. 8.4.45.


Cand. scient., Copenhagen University: Spring 1970 Biochemistry, Specialism: Plant physiology

professional experiences

  • 1971-75 Adjunct Copenhagen University, Department of Medical Genetics since April 1, 1971
  • 1975- Lecture; Assoc. professor 
  • 1980- Project leader, Family bank (RC-link), the Panum Institute.
  • 1994- Group leader, Genome Group/RC-link, the Panum Institute.

areas of research interest

  • Copenhagen Family Bank (RC-Link) 850 normal families (more than 3 children)
  • Genetic and molecular mechanisms in developmental of inherited disorders and normal traits.
  • Epidermologic research.
  • Mapping, isolation and identifications of normal and disease genes.
  • Eyes diseases, skin diseases, psykiatric diseases, normal traits.
  • Computer programming.


  • Member of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO)
  • Member of the Danish Society of Medical Genetics
  • Member of the European Society of Human Genetics


referee at Human Genetics, Clinical Genetics, Genomic


Silver Medal 1972, University of Aarhus.


1989: -Hede Nielsen Family Fondsi

invited speaker

  • Speaker at Congresses, Courses and Workshops in Toronto, Oxford, London,
  • Vice Chairman Human Genemapping 9 (chromosome

professor evaluation

Professor competance, University of Copenhagen 1994.

supervisor for

  • Scolar-students: Marie-Louise Bisgaard, Ida Berendt, µslaug Jon sd¢ttir
  • (Ph.D. Søren Eckwald, Ph.D Yang Huan Ming)

scientific activities

Prisopgave, Århus University 1972: Silver Medal, topic: Comparison and use of the new band differentiating techniques for human chromosomes. p. 1-165.

Invited speaker Toronto, Oxford, London, Verona. Vice Chairman: Human Gene Mapping 9 (chromosome 17-19) in Paris 1987.

Development of laboratory for mapping the human genome: Including collection of personal data and blood samples. Establishment of methods for antibody production, synthesis of ampholine, separation, storage, cultivation, transformation, thawing and typing of genetic polymorphisms in enzymes, proteins, chromosomes, DNA (RFLP and PCR), senses and various external traits. Programming in UNIX-Solaris, VAX-VMS, DOS, FORTRAN, DBASE4. Linkage analysis with the programs LIPED, SIMLINK, LINKAGE, EXCLUDE,
AUTOLIPED and drawprograms CYRILLIC and MEGABASE. Initiated establishment of a cDNA library from lenses.

Explored 22 diseases with the primary purpose of chromosomal localization of gene defects, including more than 10 diseases localized for the first time in our laboratory. Examined 80 "classical" marker systems, including 20 localized for the first time through linkage to another marker.

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