Eigil Kaas

Eigil Kaas


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    Short CV for Eigil Kaas.


    Niels  Bohr  Institute, Tagensvej 16.
    DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
    Phone:  +4535320514.
    E-mail: kaas@nbi.ku.dk.

    Occupation:Head of Climate and Geophysics Section, Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen.
    University degrees: 

    1987: MSc Meteorology.
    1993: PhD in Meteorology.

    Employment record:

    1982-1984:   Student programmer at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI). 
    1984-1985:Student programmer at University of Copenhagen.
    1985-1987:Assistant in the first Nordic HIRLAM project.
    1987-1989:Scientific Assistant at DMI.
    1989-1993:Ph.D student at University of Copenhagen/ DMI.
    1993-1998:Scientific Assistant at DMI.
    1998-2006:Head of Climate Research Division at DMI.
    2012-2017:Head of Climate and Geophysics Section at NBI.
    2006-present:  Head of Climate and Geophysics Section at NBI.

    Scientific focus areas:

    Climate research with focus on climate dynamics,meteorology and numerical methods used in atmospheric models for climate and numerical weather prediction (NWP). Recently also nowcasting and usage of crowd source data in NWP.

    Selected scientific projects and activities

    1993-1998: PI at DMI in the Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR) project: “Nordic ClimateModelling Project (NOCLIMP).”
    1994-1997:PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “Impact of storms on waves and surges:Changing climate in the past 100 years and perspectives for the future(WASA)”.
    1996-1998:      PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “Annual to Decacal Variations In Climate inEurope (ADVICE)”.
    1996-1998:PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “Numerical Simulation and Analysis ofClimate Variability on Decadal and Centennial Time Scales (MILLENNIA)”.
    1996-1998:PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “A European Programme on Prediction ofClimate Variations on Seasonal and Interannual Timescales (PROVOST)”.
    1998-2000:International coordinator of the EU-project “STOrms WAves and SUrgeS in the21st Century ” (STOWASUS-2100).
    1998-2000:Coordinator of the EU-project “Project On Tendency Evaluationsusing New Techniques to Improve Atmospheric Long-term Simulations”(POTENTIALS).
    1998-2001:    PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “A Concerted Action Towards the ImprovedUnderstanding and Application of Results from Climate Model Experiments inEuropean Climate Change Impacts Research”.
    2000-2003:PI at DMI in the EU-funded project: “Mechanisms and Predictability of DecadalFluctuations in Atlantic-European Climate (PREDICATE)”.
    2004-2009:Work package leader and PI at DMI in the EU-project ENSEMBLES.
    2007-2018:Member of the scientific staff (part time) of the Centre for Ice and Climate.
    2007-2012:Leader (Director) of the Centre for Energy Environment and Health.
    2011-2015:PI at NBI (in collaboration with DMI) in the EU-funded project: PEGASOS (PanEuropean Gas-Aerosols-Climate Interaction Study (Contract no.: No 265148)
    2014-2016:Participant (in collaboration with DMI) in the NordForsk project CarboNord.

    Currently (Oct. 2019) I am supervising 3 PhD students (9 have been
    successfullyfinalized) and 5 master student projects (theses).
    A list of current and past master and PhD students andprojects
    can be found here: http://www.gfy.ku.dk/~kaas/

    Scientific articles:
    • 51 peer-reviewed scientific articles/book chapters
    • 25+ reviewed and non-reviewed scientific reports/articles/book chapters

    Seminar and conference presentations:
    In the order of 390 oral presentations at international conferences, seminars,
    workshops and symposia. Approximately 30 invited talks.

    Popularization of research
    • In the order of 110 interviews in Danish Radio channels and Danish
      Television about climate research and atmospheric dynamics.
    • Approximately 500 interviews in popular articles in newspapers and other
      media on climate change and variability, and on physics of the atmosphere.
    • Blogger (2008-2009) on climate change at ing.dk

    Review activities
    Reviewer on several scientific articles in the areas of large scale atmospheric
    dynamics, statistical downscaling and in numerical techniques for the journals
    “Journal of Atmospheric Science, “Tellus”, “Atmosphere and Ocean”,
    “Atmospheric  Research”, “Climate Research”, “The Atmosphere - Ocean
    System”,“Journal of  Geophysical Research”, “Geophysical Research Letters”,
    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, “Journal of
    Computational Physics”, “Climate Dynamics”, and Geoscientific Model Development.

    Examiner in physics at the Danish universities. Furthermore, PhD evaluator on
    a considerable number of Danish and foreign PhD projects/theses

    Committees and councils
    • Member of the review board for the international scientific journal "Climate
      Research" (1999-2006).
    • Member of the Danish National Committee for the International Polar Year.
    • Member of the Ph.D. committee of the Copenhagen Global Change Initiative
     (COGCI) (2000-2006).
    • Member of the Danish National Committee for Climate Research (2001-).
    • Member of the Climate Panel at University of Copenhagen (2008-2010).
    • Chairman (president) of the Danish Meteorological Society. (2007- …)
    • Appointed member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the European
      Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) (2014 …) with
      responsibility for dynamical cores and numerics.

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