Christian Fertner

Christian Fertner


  • Landskabsarkitektur og planlægning - Design

    Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

    Telefon: +4535331782

Medlem af:


Tysk, Dansk, Engelsk

Below you can see an outline of professional employments since my degree.

Since Feb 2017
Associate professor at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.

Sep 2012 - Jan 2017
Assistant professor at Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (former Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning), University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.

Sep 2007 - Aug 2012
PhD student at Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen
See a list of main research and teaching activities under general presentation.
- PhD project "Urbanisation, urban growth and planning" (2008-2012), supervised by Gertrud Jørgensen, Thomas Sick Nielsen and Stephan Pauleit.

April – Nov 2007
Research assistant for the project "Smart Cities: Ranking of European medium-sized cities" at the Centre of Regional Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

May – July 2007
Assistant for the Interreg III B project PolyDev at the Regional Environmental Centre in Bratislava, Slovakia

Sep – Nov 2006
Assistant for the EU-FP6 project MATISSE at the Institute of Social Ecology, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Aug – Sep 2006
Intern at the Department of Urban Planning, City of St. Pölten, Austria

June 2006
MSc in Urban and Regional Planning at TU Wien, Austria
- Thesis on cross-border co-operation in city-regions - Copenhagen-Malmö and Vienna-Bratislava


MSc (byplanlægning)

ID: 4358077