Ayo Wahlberg

Ayo Wahlberg


Medlem af:

  1. 2015
  2. Udgivet

    Book Review of Sperling, Stefan. 2013.Reasons of Conscience: The Bioethics Debate in Germany. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 333 pp.

    Wahlberg, Ayo, jun. 2015, I: Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 29, 2, s. b7-b8 2 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Book review of Ecks, Stefan. 2013. Eating Drugs: Psychopharmaceutical Pluralism in India. New York: New York University Press, 233 pp.

    Wahlberg, Ayo, 2015, I: Asian Medicine. 9, s. 303-304

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  4. Udgivet

    Making CAM Auditable: Technologies of Assurance in CAM Practice Today

    Wahlberg, Ayo, 2015, Routledge Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Perspectives from Social Science and Law. Gale, N. & McHale, J. (red.). Routledge, s. 129-143 15 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    The government of life: Managing populations, health and scarcity

    Villadsen, K. & Wahlberg, Ayo, 2015, I: Economy and Society. 44, 1, s. 1-17 17 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The governmentalization of living: Calculating global health

    Wahlberg, Ayo & Rose, N., 2015, I: Economy and Society. 44, 1, s. 60-90 31 s.

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ID: 14962343