ADVOCATE: Added value for oral care,

Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyperAndet (priser, ekstern undervisning samt andet). - Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser

Lisa Bøge Christensen - Deltager

  • Sektion 01
Developing and comparing new models for safe and efficient, prevention oriented Health
ADVOCATE brings together top principal investigators from prestigious universities, the public sector, and the private sector to address the most common diseases affecting humanity, as measured by the recent Global Burden of Disease

Study. ADVOCATE strives to optimise delivery of oral health and wellbeing to the population in EU Member States This requires a change in oral health care delivery towards prevention. The change will be achieved by developing a model that promotes a preventive rather than restorative oral health care system: The oral health care model 2020.

As the oral health care delivery system is not as overly complex as other health care systems, the oral health care model 2020 may serve as a blueprint for other health care system reforms. The development of this model requires intensive information exchange and engagement of stakeholders to establish a set of key-indicators. These indicators will be used to benchmark health care performance on practice as well as system level.

Tandlægeskolen har modtaget 2,7 mio DKK til projektet
1 maj 201530 apr. 2019

ID: 143280795