4th annual World in Denmark

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerOrganisation af og deltagelse i konference

Ellen Marie Braae - Taler

    The debate, what to protect and preserve is important in the rapid transformation of the urban landscape. An urge to address this need is the impetus for the conference where the intention is to give speakers the opportunity to inspire to good practice through their projects and works. The title ‘The Third Landscape’ is borrowed from a book by Gilles Clemént. Clemént is of the opinion that the wasteland or terrain vague are important in the transformation discussion, not only because of their architecture and historical value but also because of what they can offer to the city as a gene bank for future life.
    30 maj 2008


    Konference4th annual World in Denmark
    AfholdelsesstedDanish Architecture Center

    ID: 41929997