Thomas Just Sørensen

Thomas Just Sørensen


  1. 2024
  2. Udgivet
  3. Udgivet

    Evaluation of Point Group Symmetry in Lanthanide(III) Complexes: A New Implementation of a Continuous Symmetry Operation Measure with Autonomous Assignment of the Principal Axis

    Nielsen, Villads Roskjær Møgeltoft, Le Guennic, B. & Sørensen, Thomas Just, 2024, I: Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 128, 28, s. 5740-5751 12 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Mapping the distribution of electronic states within the 5D4 and 7F6 levels of Tb3+ complexes with optical spectroscopy

    Kofod, Nicolaj, Henrichsen, M. J. & Sørensen, Thomas Just, 2024, I: Dalton Transactions. 53, 10, s. 4461-4470 10 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Photoswitchable luminescent lanthanide complexes controlled and interrogated by four orthogonal wavelengths of light

    Simms, C. H., Nielsen, Villads Roskjær Møgeltoft, Sørensen, Thomas Just, Faulkner, S. & Langton, M. J., 2024, I: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 26, 27, s. 18683-18691 9 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Step-wise changes in the excited state lifetime of [Eu(D2O)9]3+ and [Eu(DOTA)(D2O)] as a function of the number of inner-sphere O-H oscillators

    Kofod, Nicolaj & Sørensen, Thomas Just, 2024, I: Dalton Transactions. 53, 23, s. 9741–9749 9 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Using Chiral Auxiliaries to Mimic the Effect of Chiral Media on the Structure of Lanthanide(III) Complexes Common in Bioimaging and Diagnostic MRI

    Nielsen, Lea Gundorff, Andersen, H. O. B., Kenwright, A. M., Platas-iglesias, C. & Sørensen, Thomas Just, 2024, I: Inorganic Chemistry. 63, 17, s. 7560–7570 11 s.

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ID: 9225