Mingshi Yang

Mingshi Yang

Lektor, Lektor - forfremmelsesprogrammet

Medlem af:

    1. 2017
    2. Udgivet

      Investigation of nanocarriers and excipients for preparation of nanoembedded microparticles

      Wang, Y., Beck-broichsitter, M., Yang, Mingshi, Rantanen, Jukka & Bohr, A., 2017, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 526, 1-2, s. 300-308

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    3. Udgivet

      The effect of poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid composition on the mechanical properties of electrospun fibrous mats

      Liu, X., Aho, J. M., Baldursdottir, S. G., Bohr, A., Qu, H., Christensen, L. P., Rantanen, Jukka & Yang, Mingshi, 2017, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 529, 1-2, s. 371-380

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    4. 2016
    5. Udgivet

      Inhaled therapeutic siRNA for the treatment of respiratory diseases

      Cun, D., Wu, L. & Yang, Mingshi, 19 dec. 2016, Advances in Pulmonary Drug Delivery. CRC Press, s. 31-48 18 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

    6. Udgivet

      In vivo evaluation of lipid-based formulations for oral delivery of apomorphine and its diester prodrugs

      Borkar, N. N., Holm, R., Yang, Mingshi, Mullertz, Anette & Mu, Huiling, 9 sep. 2016, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 513, 1-2, s. 211-217 7 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    7. Udgivet

      Effect of age on the pharmacokinetics of polymorphic nimodipine in rats after oral administration

      Liu, W., Wang, X., Chen, R., Zhang, K., Li, Y., Li, Y., Si, D., Gong, J., Yin, D., Wang, Y., Wei, Z. & Yang, Mingshi, sep. 2016, I: Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 6, 5, s. 468-474 7 s.

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    8. Udgivet

      Spray drying of fenofibrate loaded nanostructured lipid carriers

      Xia, D., Shrestha, N., van de Streek, J., Mu, Huiling & Yang, Mingshi, aug. 2016, I: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 11, 4, s. 507-515 9 s.

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    9. Udgivet

      Apomorphine and its esters: Differences in Caco-2 cell permeability and chylomicron affinity

      Borkar, N., Chen, Z., Saaby, Lasse, Mullertz, Anette , Håkansson, A. E., Schönbeck, C., Yang, Mingshi, Holm, R. & Mu, Huiling, 6 jun. 2016, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 509, 1-2, s. 499–506 8 s.

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    10. Udgivet

      Effects of Surface Composition on the Aerosolisation and Dissolution of Inhaled Antibiotic Combination Powders Consisting of Colistin and Rifampicin

      Wang, W., Zhou, Q. T., Sun, S., Denman, J. A., Gengenbach, T. R., Barraud, N., Rice, S. A., Li, J., Yang, Mingshi & Chan, H., mar. 2016, I: A A P S Journal. 18, 2, s. 372-84 13 s.

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    11. Udgivet

      Design of PLGA-based depot delivery systems for biopharmaceuticals prepared by spray drying

      Wan, F. & Yang, Mingshi, 10 feb. 2016, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 498, 1-2, s. 82-95 14 s.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

    12. Udgivet

      Effect of ethanol as a co-solvent on the aerosol performance and stability of spray-dried lysozyme

      Ji, S., Thulstrup, Peter Waaben, Mu, Huiling, Hansen, S. H., van de Weert, Marco, Rantanen, Jukka & Yang, Mingshi, 2016, I: International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 513, 1-2, s. 175-182 8 s.

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