John Robert Couchman

John Robert Couchman

  • Nutritional Immunology

    BRIC, Ole Maaløes Vej 5, 2200 København N, Bygning: 1-4-28A

    Telefon: +45 35 33 07 32

  1. 2008
  2. Udgivet

    Cellular responses to the HEPII domain of fibronectin require N-sulphation of cell-surface heparan sulphate proteoglycan

    Mahalingam, Y., Gallagher, J. T. & Couchman, John Robert, 2008, I: International Journal of Experimental Pathology. 89, 3

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  3. Udgivet

    Cellular roles of ADAM12 in health and disease.

    Kveiborg, Marie, Albrechtsen, Reidar, Couchman, John Robert & Wewer, Ulla M., 2008, I: International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 40, 9, s. 1685-702 17 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Commercial Antibodies: The Good, Bad, and Really Ugly.

    Couchman, John Robert, 2008, I: Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry.

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  5. Udgivet

    Heparan sulfate regulates ADAM12 through a molecular switch mechanism.

    Sørensen, H. P., Vives, R. R., Manetopoulos, C., Albrechtsen, Reidar, Lydolph, M. C., Jacobsen, J., Couchman, John Robert & Wewer, Ulla M., 2008, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry.

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  6. Udgivet

    Heparan sulfate regulates fibrillin-1 N- and C-terminal interactions.

    Cain, S. A., Baldwin, A. K., Mahalingam, Y., Raynal, B., Jowitt, T. A., Shuttleworth, C. A., Couchman, John Robert & Kielty, C. M., 2008, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 40, s. 27017-27 10 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Structural and cell adhesion properties of zebrafish syndecan-4 are shared with higher vertebrates.

    Whiteford, J., Ko, S., Lee, W. & Couchman, John Robert, 2008, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283, 43, s. 29322-30 8 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    The CMV early enhancer/chicken beta actin (CAG) promoter can be used to drive transgene expression during the differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells into vascular progenitors.

    Alexopoulou, A. N., Couchman, John Robert & Whiteford, J., 2008, I: BMC Cell Biology. 9, s. 2

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  9. 2007
  10. Udgivet

    A rat monoclonal antibody that recognizes pro- and active MMP-7 indicates polarized expression in vivo.

    Fingleton, B., Powell, W. C., Crawford, H. C., Couchman, John Robert & Matrisian, L. M., 2007, I: Hybridoma: a journal of molecular immunology and experimental and clinical immunotherapy. 26, 1, s. 22-7 5 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Cell adhesion to fibrillin-1: identification of an Arg-Gly-Asp-dependent synergy region and a heparin-binding site that regulates focal adhesion formation.

    Bax, D. V., Mahalingam, Y., Cain, S., Mellody, K., Freeman, L., Younger, K., Shuttleworth, C. A., Humphries, M. J., Couchman, John Robert & Kielty, C. M., 2007, I: Journal of Cell Science. 120, Pt 8, s. 1383-92 9 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Syndecans in wound healing, inflammation and vascular biology

    Alexopoulou, A. N., Multhaupt, H. A. B. V. H. & Couchman, John Robert, 2007, I: International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 39, 3, s. 505-528 23 s.

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