Gregor Jemec

Gregor Jemec

Klinisk Professor, Klinisk professor

Medlem af:

  • Dermato-venerologi

  1. 2015
  2. Udgivet

    Imaging of collagen deposition disorders using optical coherence tomography

    Ring, H. C., Mogensen, Mette, Hussain, A. A., Steadman, N., Banzhaf, C., Themstrup, L. & Jemec, Gregor, maj 2015, I: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 29, 5, s. 890-898 9 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Does switching from oral to subcutaneous administration of methotrexate influence on patient reported gastro-intestinal adverse effects?

    Kromann, C. B., Lage-Hansen, P. R., Koefoed, M. & Jemec, Gregor, apr. 2015, I: Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 26, 2, s. 188-190 3 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Hand eczema and stratum corneum ceramides

    Jungersted, J. M., Høgh, J. K., Hellgren, L. I., Wilkinson, S., Jemec, Gregor & Agner, Tove, apr. 2015, I: Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. 40, 3, s. 243-6 4 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    The Psychological Burden of Skin Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study among Dermatological Out-Patients in 13 European Countries

    Dalgard, F. J., Gieler, U., Tomas-Aragones, L., Lien, L., Poot, F., Jemec, Gregor, Misery, L., Szabo, C., Linder, D., Sampogna, F., Evers, A. W. M., Halvorsen, J. A., Balieva, F., Szepietowski, J., Romanov, D., Marron, S. E., Altunay, I. K., Finlay, A. Y., Salek, S. S. & Kupfer, J., apr. 2015, I: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 135, 4, s. 984-91 8 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    Recurrence rate and patient satisfaction of CO2 laser evaporation of lesions in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa: a retrospective study

    Mikkelsen, P. R., Dufour, D. N., Zarchi, K. & Jemec, Gregor, feb. 2015, I: Dermatologic Surgery. 41, 2, s. 255-60 6 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Artefactual skin lesions in children and adolescents: review of the literature and two cases of factitious purpura

    Ring, H. C., Miller, I. M., Benfeldt, E. & Jemec, Gregor, jan. 2015, I: International Journal of Dermatology. 54, 1, s. e27-32

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  8. Udgivet

    Differentiating allergic and irritant contact dermatitis by high-definition optical coherence tomography: a pilot study

    Boone, M. A. L. M., Jemec, Gregor & Del Marmol, V., jan. 2015, I: Archives of Dermatological Research. 307, 1, s. 11-22 12 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Optical coherence tomography in the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma

    Hussain, A. A., Themstrup, L. & Jemec, Gregor, jan. 2015, I: Archives of Dermatological Research. 307, 1, s. 1-10 10 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Diagnostic delay in hidradenitis suppurativa is a global problem

    Saunte, D. M., Boer, J., Stratigos, A., Szepietowski, J. C., Hamzavi, I., Kim, K. H., Zarchi, K., Antoniou, C., Matusiak, L., Lim, H. W., Williams, M., Kwon, H. H., Gürer, M. A., Mammadova, F., Kaminsky, A., Prens, E., van der Zee, H. H., Bettoli, V., Zauli, S., Hafner, J. & 29 flere, Lauchli, S., French, L. E., Riad, H., El-Domyati, M., Abdel-Wahab, H., Kirby, B., Kelly, G., Calderon, P., del Marmol, V., Benhadou, F., Revuz, J., Zouboulis, C. C., Karagiannidis, I., Sartorius, K., Hagströmer, L., McMeniman, E., Ong, N., Dolenc-Voljc, M., Mokos, Z. B., Borradori, L., Hunger, R. E., Sladden, C., Scheinfeld, N., Moftah, N., Emtestam, L., Lapins, J., Doss, N., Kurokawa, I. & Jemec, Gregor, 2015, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 173, 6, s. 1546-9

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  11. Udgivet

    Hidradenitis Suppurativa/Acne Inversa: Criteria for Diagnosis, Severity Assessment, Classification and Disease Evaluation

    Zouboulis, C. C., Del Marmol, V., Mrowietz, U., Prens, E. P., Tzellos, T. & Jemec, Gregor, 2015, I: Dermatology. 231, 2, s. 184-90 7 s.

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ID: 927829