Jon Fjeldså

Jon Fjeldså

Professor emeritus

  1. 1993
  2. Udgivet

    BOX 1, Molekylærbiologi og "Conservation Biology"

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, I: Naturens Verden. 5, s. 200-201

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  3. Udgivet

    Estratégias para a conservação da biodiversidade

    Fjeldså, Jon & Cardoso da Silva, J. M., 1993, I: Diaria do Pará. 19.09.: 2; 26.09.: 2, s. 2, 3

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  4. Udgivet

    Niche segregation of grebes and other diving birds of temperate freshwater habitats, worldwide: do parallel communities evolve

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, Proceedings Seventh Nordic Ornithological Conference. Kalø: Miljøministeriet, s. 33-42

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  5. Udgivet

    Observations on the habitat and distribution of the Brazilian three-banded armadilla Tylopeutes tricinctus, a threatened Caatinga endenic

    Cardoso da Silva, J. M., Oren, D. C. & Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, I: Mammalia. 57, s. 149-152

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  6. Udgivet

    Skandinavisk Ornitologisk Union 1986-90. Tilbageblik over tre år

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, Proceedings Seventh Nordic Ornithological Conference. Kalø: National Environmental Research Institute, s. 5-7

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  7. Udgivet

    The decline and probable extinction of the Colombian grebe Podiceps andinus

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, I: Bird Conservation International. 3, s. 221-234

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  8. Udgivet

    Tropical ornithological projects by the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen: How Birds are used to set priorities for conservation

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1993, Proceedings Seventh Nordic Ornithological Conference. Kalø: National Environmental Research Institute, s. 111-119

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  9. 1992
  10. Udgivet

    Biogeographic patterns and evolution of the avifauna of relict high-attitude woodlands of the Andes

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1992, I: Steenstrupia. 18, s. 9-62

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  11. Udgivet

    Biogeography of the birds of the Polylepis woodlands of the Andes

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1992, Paramo. An Andean Ecosystem under Human Influence. London, San Diego, New York: Academic Press, s. 282

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  12. Udgivet

    Grebe research group

    Fjeldså, Jon, 1992, Research Group Report 1990-1992. Slimbridge, UK: International waterfowl and Wetland Res., s. 22-23

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