Lone Schmidt

Lone Schmidt

Professor MSO

Medlem af:

    1. 2021
    2. Udgivet

      Perceived Threat of Infertility and Women’s Intention to Anticipate Childbearing: The Mediating Role of Personally Perceived Barriers and Facilitators

      Pedro, J., Brandão, T., Fernandes, J., Barros, A., Xavier, P., Schmidt, Lone, Costa, M. E. & Martins, M. V., 2021, I: Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 28, s. 457–467 11 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      Polycystic ovary syndrome as a novel risk factor for atrial fibrillation: results from a national Danish registry cohort study

      Oliver-Williams, C., Vassard, Ditte, Pinborg, Anja & Schmidt, Lone, 2021, I: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 28, 12, s. e20–e22 3 s.

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    4. Udgivet

      Preconditions to parenthood: changes over time and generations

      Bodin, M., Holmström, C., Plantin, L., Schmidt, Lone, Ziebe, S. & Elmerstig, E., 2021, I: Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online. 13, s. 14-23 10 s.

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    5. Udgivet

      Progesterone supplementation in modified natural frozen embryo transfer (mNC-FET) does not cause mental health adverse effects - A sub-study of a multicenter RCT

      Pistoljevic, N., Saupstad, M., Mizrak, I., Andersen, L. F., Englund, A. L., Freiesleben, N. L. C., Husth, M., Klajnbard, A., Knudsen, U. B., Lossl, K., Schmidt, Lone & Pinborg, Anja, 2021, I: Human Reproduction. 36, S1, s. 357-357 1 s., P–484.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt i tidsskriftForskningfagfællebedømt

    6. Udgivet

      RUBIC (ReproUnion Biobank and Infertility Cohort): A binational clinical foundation to study risk factors, life course, and treatment of infertility and infertility-related morbidity

      Priskorn, L., Tøttenborg, S. S., Almstrup, K., Andersson, A. M., Axelsson, J., Bräuner, E. V., Elenkov, A., Freiesleben, N. L. C., Giwercman, Y. L., Grøndahl, M. L., Hansen, A. H., Hansen, L. S., Henic, E., Kitlinski, M. L., Landersoe, S. K., Lindh, C., Løkkegaard, E. L., Malm, J., Olsen, K. W., Petersen, K. U. & 21 flere, Schmidt, Lone, Stormlund, S., Svendsen, Pernille Fog, Vassard, Ditte, Wang, N. F., Zedeler, A., Bhasin, S., Chavarro, J., Eisenberg, M. L., Hauser, R., Huhtaniemi, I., Krawetz, S. A., Marko-Varga, G., Salonia, A., Toppari, J., Juul, Anders, Jørgensen, N., Nielsen, Henriette Svarre, Pinborg, Anja, Rylander, L. & Giwercman, A., 2021, I: Andrology. 9, 6, s. 1828-1842 15 s.

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    7. Udgivet

      Risk of cardiovascular disease for women with polycystic ovary syndrome: results from a national Danish registry cohort study

      Oliver-Williams, C., Vassard, Ditte, Pinborg, Anja & Schmidt, Lone, 2021, I: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 28, 12, s. e39–e41 3 s.

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    8. Udgivet

      The association between antidepressant use and assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment in Danish women: A national registry-based cohort study

      Malling, Gritt Marie Hviid, Gronemann, F. H., Vassard, Ditte, Ter-Borch, A. S., Pinborg, Anja, Hageman, I. & Schmidt, Lone, 2021, I: European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 258, s. 401-408 8 s.

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    9. 2020
    10. Udgivet

      Age-related natural fertility outcomes in women over 35 years: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis

      Chua, S. J., Danhof, N. A., Mochtar, M. H., van Wely, M., McLernon, D. J., Custers, I., Lee, E., Dreyer, K., Cahill, D. J., Gillett, W. R., Righarts, A., Strandell, A., Rantsi, T., Schmidt, Lone, Eijkemans, M. J. C., Mol, B. W. J. & van Eekelen, R., 2020, I: Human reproduction (Oxford, England). 35, 8, s. 1808–1820 13 s.

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    11. Udgivet

      Depression among men in ART treatment: a register-based national cohort study

      Sejbæk, C. S., Pinborg, Anja, Hageman, Ida, Sørensen, A. M., Koert, Emily Christina, Forman, Julie Lyng & Schmidt, Lone, 2020, I: Human Reproduction Open. 2020, 3, hoaa019.

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    12. Udgivet

      How do men want to receive information about fertility? An evaluation of a fertility campaign targeting Danish men in Copenhagen

      Berthelsen, A. S. N., Gamby, A. L. N., Christensen, Ulla & Schmidt, Lone, 2020, I: Human Reproduction. 35, Supplement 1, s. I350 1 s.

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